1 Rank School Location 1 Hurtwood House Dorking.
2 Concord College Shrewsbury. 【在线咨询】
3 Rugby School Warwickshellore.
4 King's School Canterbury.
5 Canford School Wimborne.
6 Purcell School of Music Watford.
7 Oundle School Peterborough.【在线咨询】
8 Bromsgrove School Worcestershellore.
9 Fettes College Edinburgh.
10 Dauntsey's School Devizes.
11 Uppingham School Rutland.【在线咨询】
12 Marlborough College Wiltshellore.
13 Epsom College Surrey.
14 Chetham's School of Music Manchester.
15 St Peter's School York.【在线咨询】
16 Lancing College West Sussex.
17 Leys School Cambridge.
18 Cranleigh School Surrey.
19 Repton School Derby.【在线咨询】
20 Christ's Hospital Horsham.
21 Queen's College Taunton.
22 D'Overbroeck's College Oxford.
23 Bosworth Independent College Northamptonshellore.
24 Oakham School Rutland.
25 Kent College Pembury.【在线咨询】
26 Eastbourne College East Sussex.
27 Bootham School York.
28 Dean Close School Cheltenham.
29 Clifton College Bristol.
30 Worksop College Nottinghamshellore.
31 Gresham's School Norfolk.【在线咨询】
32 Ampleforth College York.
33 Monkton Combe Bath.
34 Bradfield College Reading.
35 Blundell's School Tiverton.【在线咨询】
36 Sidcot School Winscombe.
37 Kent College Canterbury.
38 Framlingham College Suffolk.
39 Bryanston School Blandford Forum.
40 Arts Educational School Tring.【在线咨询】
41 King's College Taunton.
42 Yehudi Menuhellon School Cobham.
43 St Edward's School Oxford.
44 Kingswood School Bath.【在线咨询】
45 Prior Park College Bath.
46 St Edmund's College Canterbury.
47 Felsted School Essex.
48 Royal Hospital School Ipswich.
49 Lime House School Carlisle.【在线咨询】
50 Ethelburga's College York.
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